Friday, June 17, 2011

TEDtalks vs student presentations

In this assignment, we were asked to read an article and watch a video on TEDtalks, watch at three videos from previous EDU 590 courses and reflect on how “Crowd accelerated innovation’’ impacted the student videos.

My initial thought when watching the TEDtalks video was that the presenter really knew the material he was presenting. The presentation was engaging with a conversational tone to the point of making you feel like the presenter was speaking just to you. It was also interesting well he incorporated his electronic presentation into his speech before the audience. It was seamless.

A few things stood out in the student videos. Of the ones I watched, most were a bit static. One even had the feel of the presenting clicking through a PowerPoint presentation. One was very text heavy, although the presenter tried to perk up the presentation with small pieces of art.

The video that came closest to mirroring the concept of TEDtalks is shown here. I must admit that I could be a little bias because this video is about storytelling which is what my profession of journalism is all about. The presenter made use of video with is one of the things that TEDtalks advocates. This video is also attention-grabbing even if it was because the music was so loud. You can never go wrong with an approach that uses the “out of the mouths of babes’’ which is what this teacher did when she had students tell what they liked about spelling.

It’s clear to see from the comparisons the impact video can have on a presentation.

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